How to quit smoking pod vape

Quitting vaping can be challenging, but it is doable if you have the desire to quit and a plan to get you through kicking the habit.

Vaping is a relatively new phenomenon, so there isn’t much research on how many people try to quit or how successful they are. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports about half of all smokers try to quit smoking every year, but only about six percent of smokers successfully quit in any given year.

Tobacco cigarettes have a burn rate that limits how much nicotine you can inhale in a puff, and how many puffs you can take over time. But JUUL and other e-cigarettes can deliver higher doses of nicotine because their electronic design gets around this limitation.

Understanding how this addiction affects you and what to expect as you break its control can help you successfully quit.

What We Know About the Dangers of Vaping

Why People Vape

Tips to Quit Vaping

Understand Why You Are Quitting

Quit All Tobacco Products at the Same Time

Set a Quit Date and Prepare to Get There

Is It Hard to Quit Vaping?

Take Control of Your Vape Cravings

Can Vaping Help You Quit Smoking?